Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Dear Single Mom Who Wishes She Could Give More to Her Child

Dear Single Mom,

I am not, for one second, going to try and pretend that I know how hard it is for you. I don't. I can only imagine.. I can, however, identify with your child. I was raised by a single mom.  While every situation is unique, I can at least offer some insight into your child's life.

For my mother, her biggest hurt as a single mom was feeling like she was never enough. She couldn't give us the trendy clothes (our wardrobes were mostly made up of hand-me-downs from church friends), she couldn't buy us the expensive toys, or take us to amusement parks or the zoo. She felt like she had deprived us of a good childhood. She couldn't stand the thought that we might feel like we were less than our peers because we didn't have the things or the lifestyle that they had.

But looking back, do you know what I recall of my childhood? I don't remember feeling deprived. I don't remember feeling like I was less than because I didn't have the things my peers had.

What I do remember is how she was always there to hold me as I cried when people hurt my feelings. She was always my biggest supporter and was always there to comfort me.

I remember her finding a way to make it to every school play and every choir performance.

I remember her making sure I went to church every Sunday and Wednesday and filling our home with faith, hope, love, and Jesus.

I remember the scavenger hunts she set up for us at home.

I remember her showing up at my school just to give me a hug and a chocolate kiss.

I remember unconditional love.

Your child doesn't need fancy things to have a good childhood.
They just need the love of their mother.
That's what they'll remember of their childhood.

You're strong, momma. It's hard to be a mother with a partner. I can't imagine how hard it is for a single mom. But I do know that God can get you through any situation. Ask Him for help. Ask him to guide you in your parenting. When your children are grown, they'll look back and see a mom who did everything she could to give them a great life full of love and joy. Keep up the good work, mom.

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