Dear Mom who feels lonely and isolated.. you're not alone.
I know it feels like you're alone. Trust me, I do! You feel isolated, trapped, and like no one truly understands what you're feeling. I understand. I feel it too.
Your days consist of cooking, feeding, cleaning, chasing, wrangling, and wishing the coffee gave you more energy than it actually does.
Sometimes you go weeks without leaving the house.
You count down the hours until your husband comes home.
You have no adult interaction except for the few hours between when your husband comes home and you go to bed.
You recall the days when all you ever wanted was to be married, have kids, and stay home with them.. but now that it's here, something is missing. You have all you ever wanted but you're still not happy.
You miss the days when you felt like you were actually good at something. When you were praised for your accomplishments. Being a stay-at-home mom can feel pretty thankless and often leave you feeling like you're the world's worst mom.
You love your children more than you ever thought you could love someone.. but the loneliness is still there.
It's hard, mom. I know it is. I wish I had the answer and the solution but most days I'm struggling with it, myself.
All I can say is that you're not alone. I feel your pain. God feels your pain. Reach out to Him when you're hurting. He's waiting to wrap you up in His arms.
Here is a verse that I tend to cling to when I'm deep into these hard times and it really gives me hope. My hope is that it will do the same for you.
Psalm 23:3 He restores my soul;
There is more to the verse but that part is what has always stuck out to me. He restores my soul. He loves you and wants to see peace and healing in your life.
If you're feeling this way today, leave your name in the comments and I'll be praying for you.
These times are hard but we'll get through them.
Go give those babies a big hug and remember why you wanted to stay home in the first place.
Here are a few more posts to encourage you in this season of life:
- When You Need a Lift in Your Motherhood - The Purposeful Wife
- 8 Scripture Verses for Struggling Moms {Free Printable} - The Purposeful Mom
- Rediscovering Joy in Motherhood - The Purposeful Mom
- 10 Promises for Tired Moms - Smart Mom Smart Ideas
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